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February 2, 2025 Announcements

January 28, 2025


“Mommy & Me” has returned and we had 13 and 14 kiddos for the first two sessions. A volunteer sheet has been posted for the upcoming sessions on Lori’s office door.

Super Bowl Subs can be ordered at $9.00 each!!! Subs will be assembled on Saturday, February 8th at 9:30 a.m. Sign-up sheet to help make subs is on the narthex bulletin board.

If you would like to join our online study from RightNow Media titled “Trusting God during Life’s Trials” please let Pastor Dean know.

Please see the flyer posted in the Narthex regarding the online auction for the contents of the Union UCC church building.

If you haven’t already done so, you can pick up your 2024 offering totals summary on the table outside the sanctuary.

Our next Administrative Council meeting will be Tuesday, February 11th at 6:00 p.m.


Feb. 2              M/M Jay Frankart

Feb. 3              Brian Coppus (in memory), Bruce Kreh

Feb. 4              Leah Smith

Feb. 5              Angie Thallman

Feb. 6              Pastor Dean & Danene Durant,

Feb. 7              M/M Neal Snyder (in memory)

Feb. 8              M/M John Tschanen (in memory)

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