October 6, 2024 Announcements
The Community Calendars are here. Calendar route people – please pick up your calendars in the Narthex. Questions??? Please see Ron Lutz.
Our next Men’s Breakfast will be November 2nd at The Deli Café at Frost Village in Tiffin.
The Administrative Board will meet this Tuesday, October 8th, at 6:00 p.m. at the church.
“Trick or Trunk” will be on Tuesday, October 29th. If you are unable to attend, donations are appreciated. We usually go through approximately 400 pieces of candy per giver in just an hour!
We need a volunteer to coordinate our “Samaritan’s Purse: Operation Christmas Child” this year. Please let Pastor Dean know if you are interested.
The most recent newsletter is available online and there are some printed copies on the back table as well.
Please see the Altar Flower Signup beside the Narthex entrance doors.
Please check out the Narthex bulletin board flyer for the Sisters of St. Francis workshop this Thursday, October 10th, on the care of our common home – planet Earth.
While there, please see the posted letter from our brothers and sisters at Union UCC regarding the closing of the church.
October 7 June Coppus, Shawn Coppus
October 8 Millie Jane Ratchen, M/M Kyle Manz
October 9 Kirt Thallman, Bob Acree (in memory)
October 10 Karen Beleny, M/M Roy Poor III
October 11 Emily Park, M/M Larry Dunson