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Prayer List – updated September 15th

July 15, 2024

JOYS: Danny Pelton is getting stronger in his battle with Covid pneumonia and Jenny Ratchen’s knee MRI showed some improvement and non-surgical treatment options are being pursued.

CONCERNS: The doctor(s) are still trying to determine the cause of Betty Park’s dizziness (it does not appear to be heart related), Brian Coppus has been admitted to the hospital due to swelling of the muscles surrounding the heart, and Terry Vitt is currently suffering both migraines and stomach pain.

PRAYER LIST: Leticia Caudill, Carri Breidenbach, Tina Imbrock, Delores Kinn, Jean Mertes, Rev. Bill McDaniel, Sandy Lehner, Laverne Ruth, Jacqueline Freeman, Sue Brickner, Michelle Steinmetz, Pat Scherger, Helen Emerine’s friend Lori, Ron Pollard, Joe Stacy, Courtney Kourtney, Judy Prosser, Abel Anthony Kreh, Margaret Cumbow, Pam Dunson, Richard Wyant, Mike Grandillo, Pat & Janet Bowen, Carolyn Thallman, and Carol Fruth.

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