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Prayer List – updated July 15th

July 15, 2024

JOYS: The greater Tiffin Community assisted in the search for and rescue of Rick & Chad Breidenbach’s mom Susan Miller on Wednesday when she wandered off due to dementia, Austin Williams was released from prison last week and currently is at a halfway house (please see the tab for his address), Jeanne Van Buskirk received a good report from her oncologist last Thursday with the next appointment scheduled for next January, Richard Dundore (Bett Park’s brother) passed away Sunday and has heard those wonderful words “Well done my good and faithful servant,” and Ann Zimmerman received a good report regarding her MRI from her neurologist Monday and will begin a revised treatment plan for her migraines.

CONCERNS: Terry Vitt has appointments with his aneurysm & gall bladder specialists this week, the family of Stephen Hickman (wife Brenda) who passed away last Monday, Margaret Cumbow will be receiving an injection Tuesday for her hip pain, Carol Fruth continues to battle from her heat stroke and hopefully will be coming to The Willows here in Tiffin from St. Vincent’s Hospital this week,  and Terry Vitt’s cousin Billie has been diagnosed with leukemia.

PRAYER LIST: Leticia Caudill, Carri Breidenbach, Tina Imbrock, Delores Kinn, Jean Mertes, Sandy Lehner, Laverne Ruth, Rev. Bill McDaniel, Jacqueline Freeman, Sue Brickner, Michelle Steinmetz, Carol Reisner, Pat Scherger, Helen Emerine’s friend Lori, Ron Pollard, Joe Stacy, Nikki Vitt, Richard Dundore, Brian Coppus, Courtney Kourtney, Mike & Judy Prosser, Jim Bell, Brenda Finney, and Brantley Macenko.

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