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Author: Dean Durant

Prayer List – updated January 19, 2025

JOYS: Asher & Adi Davis are both over RSV with Adi also no longer exhibiting complications from Coronavirus, Juanita Yambert is home after her hip replacement and has started therapy, Carolyn Thallman’s right rotator cuff is doing better after she received an injection, there were nine of us at the Men’s Breakfast on Saturday,  and we have a Heavenly Father that loves us, a Savior that redeems us, and the Holy Spirit that strengthens us.

CONCERNS: Pam Dunson’s left retina became detached this past Wednesday with one treatment on Thursday and another unable to be performed on Friday which has been rescheduled for Tuesday, Adi Davis’s pulmonologist will be meeting with the family this Friday to discuss the next treatment steps, Tim Heiserman is scheduled for a hip replacement on Wednesday, January 29, Kyle Kreh has been diagnosed with a lung infection and high blood pressure, Kyle & Raine Kreh’s youngest son River has been diagnosed with an ear infection and is teething, Craig Knupp has tested positive for Covid-19, those affected by the fires in California, and Joe Emerine is to be scheduled for hip replacement surgery in either late January or early February.

PRAYER LIST: Leticia Caudill, Carri Breidenbach, Tina Imbrock, Delores Kinn, Jean Mertes, Sandy Lehner, Laverne Ruth, Jacqueline Freeman, Sue Brickner, Michelle Steinmetz, Pat Scherger, Helen Emerine’s friend Lori, Ron Pollard, Joe Stacy, Courtney Kourtney, Abel Anthony Kreh, Margaret Cumbow, Mike Grandillo, Pat & Janet Bowen, Lori Zimmerman, Lee Arnold, Butch Payne, Danny Pelton, Janet Thallman, Natalie Hay, Eileen Whetsel, Adi Davis, Lori Zimmerman, Rev. Mike Denman, Terry Bradner, Terry Vitt, Nancy Bailey, and Rev. Bill McDaniel.

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